Nicole Manley

Continuing Case study 3: ‘We are all tributaries’


This virtual workshop during COVID-19 continues on from the previous flood risk management conference and joins the flood risk management conference steering committee to the water we receive in our homes that interconnect with the river. The flood risk management steering committee are people who work in local authorities, science and government and private sectors all working to mitigate flooding in Scotland.

The flood risk management steering committee were introduced to:

The Transparency - sketching the concept: ‘We are All Tributaires’

  1. ‘The Transveral River Map’, which was produced in the floodplain Flood Risk Management Conference. Enter here to see the Transversal River Map.

  2. ‘We are all tributaries’. Our houses receive water from an unknown source. We drink the water from the tap and the water is released from our kitchens and bathrooms to a place: we know not where. As human beings we have created our own water system supported by Scottish Water, SEPA, local authorities, academics and others involved with water supply and wastewater. This water system however is all unseen. We are part of the river system, through receiving water to our taps and then releasing this water via our sinks and bathrooms.  The map I am providing is like the terrain we live in and the transparency is an example of the ‘human water system‘ that we have created. They are both interlinked. It is up to all members to decide what the ‘human water system’ is.

The steering committee were asked to do the following activity:

Go and make a cup of tea/coffee or fill a glass of water and think what this means in terms of your local river, yourself individually and locally in the place you live. Look at the map and move the ‘human water system’ along the river. What does this mean to you? Draw/sketch/make marks or write words on the blank transparency what you think your personal relationship, or your work relationship is to the river, through thinking about the ‘human water system’. Place your transparency on ‘The Transversal River Map’. Example questions to ask: How does this relate to the map? Does it bring other relationships, which are new to you?

Sharing one another’s drawings, ideas and words.